Tuesday, March 11, 2008


There is this awful creature invading my private space. He (or she) is a cricket, I guess. Though crickets in Cape Verde look like monstrous, ugly, flying cockroaches, hence the nickname. It makes a sound like a cricket, though seemingly 10 times louder, likely because it has chosen to reside about 4 feet from the head of my bed in my room. It has been there for about 4 days now, and doesn't show signs of moving soon. I throw things at him (shoes, used batteries, large hair clips, whatever else is within arm's reach), which stops him for awhile, but then he creeps his beady eyes out from his crevice to start making treacherous music again. Today I even sprayed hairspray at him, thinking it might blind him or show him I meant feminine-hair-product business. I don't know if it worked.

I can't kill him because every time I go after him, he scurries away, playing this cat-and-mouse game with me, smirking at my wretched disorganization that allows way too many items to float dustily around the floor of my room--and establish many a good hiding place.

Any suggestions? How do I make my cockricket go away?