Welcome family and friends!!
I started this website so that when I leave for Cape Verde, Africa (in approximately 10 weeks) everyone who wants to can choose to be updated on what I am doing, what life is like, what things I'm learning, etc. etc. Additionally I will try to post pictures, which I plan on taking plenty of, so you can live vicariously through me:) I know I started this pretty early, but I wanted to make sure that you Montana folks would know where to go to find info on my Peace Corps experience, since I will be leaving Missoula so very soon...
That said, I probably won't make many posts between now and my departure, but at least you can bookmark this deliciously important page for future reference:). Thank you all for joining me in this new adventure, and know that I care about and love you all!!
Blessings, and here's counting the days until July 2...
P.S. I have set my postings to Cape Verde's time zone, so adjust accordingly!