A little blurry, but there it is! My first time seeing the Capitol Building. Wonder what good ole Bush is doing right now?...

I wish I could begin to describe the thoughts that are going through my mind as I prepare to leave tomorrow for two exhausting days of travel, but what can I really say at 11:30 when I have to be up and ready by 6:00 am? I suppose all I can say (with the promise of updating more later) is that I am soooo excited and so ready. My confidence in making the decision to come here is repeatedy affirmed, and all in all I feel as prepared as I can be. Throw it at me, World, I can take it! Somewhere inside it's right and true and my doubts of my own capacity are fading. I am confident they will blatantly reappear the moment I attempt Criolu and land at my site all alone, but for now I'm content to let them fade into the background, basking in the glow of following my dreams without hesitance, just pure optimism. It's a nice glow, and I think I'd like to stay for awhile. :)
Good luck and have a great trip!
Amanda Potter
Wow my love, sounds like you're having fun! Im so excited for what is to come for you! Keep posting, lovey! And for now, I will leave you with this:
Tommy: Uh, what my associate is trying say is...Our new brake pads are really cool. You're not even gonna believe it. Like, let's say you're driving along the road with your family.
[Picks up model car]
You're drivin' along, la-de-da, woo. All of a sudden there's a truck tire in the middle of the road. And you hit the brakes. EEEEEEEEE!!! Whoa, that was close. Ha-ha. Now let's see what happens when you're driving with the "other guy's" brake pads. You're drivin' along, you're drivin' along, the kids start shouting from the back seat, "I gotta go to the bathroom, Daddy!" "Not now, damn it!" Truck tire. EEEEEEEE!! I CAN'T STOP!!
[Slams model car into lighter]
There's a cliff! AAAAAHH!! And your family's screaming,
[sets car on fire]
"Oh my God, we're burning alive!" "No! I can't feel my legs!" Here comes the meat wagon.
[Imitates siren]
And the medic gets out and says, "Oh my God". New guy's around the corner puking his guts out.
[Imitates retching]
All because you want to save a couple extra pennies. And to me, it doesn't...
Executive with Toy Cars: Get out. Now!
[Richard tries blowing out flaming car] Do you validate?
Executive with Toy Cars: No!
Love you with all my heart, dear
Hi Courtney! So glad you dropped us all a line. We've been checking your website daily to see if you would remember your 'ole buddies you're leaving behind (sniff, sniff).
This is your time - enjoy it and take whatever comes your way. We know you're ready for this (we're just jealous we can't fit inside your suitcases).
And don't worry - we'll look after those sisters of yours (Paige and Lindsey - that means you!!!).
Love you kiddo!
Auntie Sherri
(and uncle McDougman)
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