Monday, October 02, 2006

80 Cent lattes--you betcha!

This weekend I was proactive. I decided to make myself an elaborate action plan, complete with the needs I saw in the Center and various ideas I had for ways to tackle the problems, ideas for projects I had, etc. I then spent the weekend translating it into Portuguese, and am now waiting for a meeting to end with Andreia so that I can show her and we can see if I'm completely crazy or if the ideas are do-able. Hopefully this will be the first neede step to organizing myself into forming an actual job. No more waiting around, I'm going to get shit done. Hopefully. Next I plan on getting the girls' futbol game with the S. Domingos crew and the ICM girls underway, shouldn't be too hard seeing as I just did the same thing a month ago. Let's hear it for copying ideas.

Anyhow, I don't have any journals to post, just a few random thoughts I wanted to throw on the blog. Life is good, I'm feeling good today. Talked to Paige last night which always makes me feel better, and I think I'm getting better at washing clothes. So not too bad of a weekend. And this morning I tried out the coffee place Andreia told me about and she was right: excellent coffee for 80 cents. Starbucks, I love you, but top that. As soon as I teach them how to make a caramel macchiato, it'll be downhill for you:)

Okay, that's all for now, but more updates soon! Take care, everyone.

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